New English Proficiency (NEP) for Air Traffic Controller (ATC)

Posted: 19 Januari, 2008 in aktivitas kerja, Artikel, atc, aviation, berita, news, Penerbangan, pilot, transportasi

This posting was taken from : “The ICAO New English Proficiency, Training Module, Curug-Indonesia-2007.”

The Use of ICAO standardized phraseology is now embodied as an ICAO standard (Annex 10, Volume 11, which reads : “ICAO standardized phraseology shall be used in all situations for which it has been specified. Only when standardized phraseology can not serve an intended transmission, plain language shall be used.”

While perfect communication may never be achieved, communication can be greatly improved by agreeing to use, wherenever possible, the same phraseologies. For voice communications to provide the level required for safe operation, the use of a single standardized ICAO phraseology must be emphasized. This may mean a reorientation for controllers or pilots who may have become accustomed to either non-ICAO phraseogies or, perhaps, a laxity regarding the use of ICAO phraseologies. Those controllers and pilots so affected need simply consider the efforts required by non native English speaking counterparts to acquire English language proficiency at the ICAO Level 4 in order to understand the value of conforming to ICAO Phraseologies exclusively and of maintaining careful, expert radiotelephony techniques.

The 1st NEP Course at ATKP Medan, December 2007.

  1. ifmarch berkata:

    Baru selesai training di curug ya, met aja sukses selalu!

  2. julfan berkata:

    sdh lama dari curug, tahun 2000. terima kasih atas kunjungannya.

    akan saya sampaikan jika saya mendapatkan informasi terbaru.

    @Rangga Putra
    akan saya sampaikan jika saya mendapatkan informasi terbaru.

    salam kenal.
    sama2 dari medan. semoga selalu terjalin komunikasi.

  3. andrewson berkata:

    There’s writing test for nep ?
    Can you explain for me how to get level 4 score ?

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